Box Color VS Professional Salon Hair Color

How many of you walk into your local Drug Store and look at the beautiful celebrities on the box of Box Color and say “That’s how I want my hair to look like!” Pay the $8.00-$12.00 for the color you want and go home put it on and it turns out to be a disaster. Trust me, these celebrities or models are not using box color. They are going to a salon and having a professional formulate and apply their color.

Professional Stylists create a formula for each client. What might work for you, will not achieve the same results for someone else. Stylists must consider several factors in order to give you the desired result.

Skin Tone – Texture –Density –Porosity –Color –Length – Most Important, Underlying Pigment

Continuous use of Box Color will eventually turn your hair to straw. Most people who use Box Color apply it from the root to the ends resulting in two different colors with the ends being too dark or too blonde. Styling becomes more difficult and frizzing becomes out of control. This incorrect application will eventually also cause hair to break. Professional Colorists use a brush to apply color. They apply it from the regrowth to the demarcation line.


Like everything else, “You Get What You Pay For”. Using Box Color that cost $8-$12 and result in damaged hair will end up costing you $200-$300 for corrective color. Not to mention taking 3-4 hours out of your day.

Think twice before grabbing that box with Eva Longoria’s picture on it. Instead, Google her picture and bring it to a professional salon and tell your stylist this is how I want my hair to look. It will save you money, time and your hair will be healthy, shiny and beautiful.